The Ongoing History:from Shanghai to Milano--China


Aug.22, 2015

Today, our journey of ‎theOngoingHistory:‎fromShanghaiToMilano is with China Pavilion! Known as the Oriental Crown, the pavilion of Expo2010 showcased China’s civilization and modern achievements by combining traditional and modern elements in its architecture, landscaping and exhibits.  The exhibition was highlighted by Zhang Zeduan's Song Dynasty masterpiece Along the River During the Qingming Festival which was re-adapted as a 128-metres-long 3D animation.
This time in Expo2015, China’s theme captures an attitude of thankfulness, respect and cooperation that characterizes its people: the land has fed man from its beginnings and hope suggests the prospect of a future where food can offer life to everyone. The underlying theme is the pursuit of balance between mankind and the environment, between humanity and nature.