The Ongoing History:from Shanghai to Milano--Sudan


Sep. 27, 2015

Today our journey of ‎theOngoingHistory:‎fromShanghaiToMilano is with Pavilion Sudan! At Sudan Pavilion at Expo2010, visitors were able to admire an exhibition of ancient paintings from the country’s National Museum. Sudanese folk art, aspects of urban life and nature protection strategies were also presented through multimedia means.
This time at Expo2015, Sudan seeks an active collaboration in addressing the main challenges with agricultural production and livestock farming as well as a dialogue on biodiversity and the themes of Expo2015Milano. The pavilion takes the inspiration from the Nubian” house", which is a typical Sudanese dwelling. It extends over one level, to keep the connection between the external and internal environments; it also has a central courtyard symbolizing the hub of Sudanese home life.