The Ongoing History:from Shanghai to Milano--Turkey


Oct. 2, 2015

Today our journey of ‎theOngoingHistory :‎fromShanghaiToMilano is with Pavilion Turkey! ??The theme of Turkey Pavilion of Expo2010 was "The Cradle of Civilization". The main inspiration for the exterior of the 2,000-square-meter rented pavilion was derived from settlements called “Catalhoyuk” in Turkish, which were the center of advanced culture in the Neolithic period. The Pavilion was also an amazing red and beige box with an animal sculpture, inviting visitors to explore a maze of dreams.????????????

This time at Expo2015, The Turkey Pavilion provides a setting where a mixture of cultures and technologies come together and work towards a common belief. Turkey is eager to produce innovative solutions about the basic problems on the earth such as nutrition and energy. It occupies 4.170 square meters in a mix of open, semi-open and enclosed spaces, including a restaurant, souvenir shop, exhibition venues and a food bazaar.